Group Photo! (well, kind of… Half of us are missing…) |
And then there were children… Lots of them! Six between 6 months and 24 months. Talk about a baby boom! Its been a long time since we all got together. Maybe before we had kids?! Its been a while! Its amazing how much our lives have changed. Marriages, houses, children, and careers. Our conversations used to be all about what happened at the bar last night, and now we find ourselves asking one another about car seats and allergies. What an interesting and transitional time in all our lives. We laugh together about the chronic exhaustion we all feel, and find comfort in each others woes of parenthood. Each of us are making our way in the world with our beautiful little families, and trying to hold onto each spare second we have while cherishing the time with our kids. Seeing all the little personalities and how they all interacted with one another was a joy. I hope I get to experience it again soon. I am so lucky to be able to laugh about life with these wonderful people. The more enlightening moment of the day: I’ve often thought about opening a home daycare. I got a good peek of how my house (and maybe my life) would be if there were lots of little ones in it. I think I’ll stick to teenagers! I kinda like that photography thing! Thanks guys for a great visit. Much love!

Feroe Family |
Peak a boo Grace! |
Silly Sarah! |
Kapica Family |
Wiped out! |