In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Winter Work Area

I’ve haven’t had much time to blog over the last few weeks. Lots of things happening at school which is all wonderful. We are getting all the equipment in place and next week I will start to sketch out what the next four years may look like. On the home front we are all adjusting to Peyton going to preschool and how that effects the morning. Getting out of the house on time was hard before, and now it feels downright impossible and I am not even bringing him in! I will say, once the bell rights at 2:08 I get a big smile on my face knowing that he and I get to have a little Peyton and Mama time on our short ride home. I love his teacher as well as the aides. It’s just such a big change.

As far as business is concerned, the weather is changing making it cold out in the studio. With that being said the time came to either come up with a heating solution (financially) or move the party inside for the winter. I feel that there are other areas of my business that I would rather invest, so voila! Inside work area! It is actually perfect because now I can edit or write lessons while the kids are playing, and keep an eye on things. I also (finally) purchased the table and chairs I’ve long wanted for the eat in area. It’s not anything wild and crazy, but it’s something I am okay with kids coloring and painting on. Just no exacto knives… for many reasons not listed in this post. I personally love the blue chairs myself. Now we have a fully functioning work and eating area for all to enjoy. 2013-09-17_00012013-09-17_00022013-09-17_0003
