In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Turning Tides Retreat | Personal

It wasn’t too long ago that I decided to start to peruse my business again. After Peyton and Avery were born and I discovered that I missed and craved my photography business. The client relationships, being a part of something so special to people, being given the opportunity to be creative, and the trust that I can create something special and uniqe for my clients. It was time to start up again. Photographing weddings and portraits was one of my creative outlets and I felt like I was ignoring something inside of me by not doing it.

While researching Off Camera Flash I came across Christy’s blog. She had such a teacherly way about her writing that I really enjoyed. Her explanations were both funny and engaging I felt like I was having lunch with friends from Art school. As I kept reading I found other posts she’d created that were also helpful to my photography. Before I knew it, I would read her blog when I had a few minutes after I put my children to bed. It became a favorite nightly read online. I shared her site with my Photography students, and when one of them (Liv) was writing a paper on professional photography, I encouraged Liv to contact Christy. She responded to each question that Liv had presented to her. I can’t begin to explain to you how happy she was that a Chicago based photographer was willing to take time out of her day and respond to her questions for her senior high school project. That said something deep and meaningful to me about Christy’s character.

On a random night of blog reading, Christy had mentioned her friend Lauren in a post. I clicked the link and started reading her posts. I was literally laughing out loud, all by myself, at my computer, with no one around. Weird. Never had someone’s post affect me like that before! From the Hair Manifesto, to Random Thoughts of the Day, her comedic outlook on day to day life was honest and made me belly laugh – you know – those good ones – until I had tears rolling down my face. It wasn’t long after that when I found Jess through both their blogs. She had an artistic outlook that was true to herself. Her photography was none like I had seen. She took a journalistic approach, but what was different is you could tell the moments she captured were observatory and genuine – unlike directed/facilitated candid.

I knew that Christy had been working on something with Jess and Lauren but I didn’t know what. I still remember when she first post about it and said that she had “something in the works”. I remember responding to that post saying “If you guys are planning some kind of photography getaway I just may faint!” or something like that. If you weeks later low and behold they announced the Turning Tides Retreat. It was a three day photographers retreat to Lake Magician in Michigan. I remember that night very well. I had put both kids to bed, got online for my evening read, and I saw it. Eric was playing golf so I texted him and told him about the retreat. I told him that I wished I could go but I knew I couldn’t. He said “And why can’t you go? You deserve this. You work hard and it sounds like a lot of fun for you to go out and meet other photographers who are like you! I think you should go. Don’t worry about the kids. We will figure it out.” Best husband ever. That night I bought my seat and started to countdown the days until I got to go. The first thing I’ve done for myself in years. I couldn’t wait.

So off I went, taking photos all along the way. This was at the airport in Detroit. Pretty cool, huh?!

I was fortunate enough to have met Libby, who after meeting I felt as though I had known her for years. We got to go on a Chicago adventure to see Cloud Gate, have awesome food, and see Millennium Park. I love going to new places and it was awesome to see the events and energy that the city had.

Thanks Libby for the pic! ‘Hi I’m Trish! Aaannndd I can cross the Bean off my bucket list! Kthanks!’

After that we made our way to the lake. When we walked in I couldn’t believe it. I had finally met the women whom I had admired from afar, many states away. It was very surreal but so wonderful and exciting at the same time. In that moment, although I was having such great joy, it felt odd to have such a huge and great moment/experience in my life and to not have Eric at my side when it happened. I suddenly found myself missing him like crazy and it had only been about 12 hours. As the week had pressed on I had forgotten how much I had enjoyed being with other creatives. I’ve been trudging along for so long just trying to stay afloat in the day to day life I lead that its nice to slow down and enjoy the simple company of others who have similar professional experiences, and come together to support one another. My fellow attendees were all wonderful  women who each have special and amazing talents, and personalities to match. Although we each sing our own songs we all come together and sound like a symphony. Being with each of them brought a music to my ears that I hadn’t heard in years. Each of them have impacted me in some way, shape, or form, and I am blessed to have been able to have this experience amidst the chaotic life I happily lead.

So here’s to you, my fellow creatives: That all your journeys are amazing and colorful! I know you girls aren’t going anywhere and I look forward to our growing friendships as we move through our lives and careers. Thank you my Sisters Lakes Sisters for a fun week and 6 hours of solid sleep each night! xoxo – Trish

