In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Tiffany Chapman + Family | Grow Session | Amherst, Massachusetts

Ive been so fortunate to have met some good friends in the business of being a photographer. There is one soul sister I have met that stands feet above the rest. Since Tiffany Chapman of Tiffany Chapman Photography came into my life I feel as though I have found a friend that is basically the same person as I am. We both love the same things, and have the same sense of style. When I am booked for an inquiry, she’s the first person I contact.

Being a photographer, though seems very glamorous, can also be a very lonely career. As a freelance artist you spend a lot of time on your own. You’re not exactly showing up and punching a time clock every day or hanging around the water cooler. You’re out there, every day, busting your butt, and often time in the world of the internet and social media, people only see the end result – the blog or instagram post, the sneak peak, or the snapchats. In this industry its not uncommon to be left to your own devices for all decisions, and in the beginning it can be very daunting. You have a lot of self doubt, and question EVERYTHING wondering if you’re making the right decision. I think anyone who runs a ‘small’ business (but works overtime hours!) can completely identify!

That’s where Tiff comes in. She is always my go to for business advice, and she’s always there for me no matter when I text or call. I think some days I talk to her more than I talk to my husband! I have waited my entire adult life in this field to meet someone who really GETS IT. GETS what this business is about. Understands what the long nights really feel like. Who KNOWS why I can’t turn my adrenaline off at 1am when I get home from a wedding, or what a wedding photographer hangover truly feels like. Who can identify when something happens, and I’m beating myself up with a could of, would of, should of. She’s right there to pick me up, dust me off, and show up with a giant bottle of wine and a bathing suit for the hot tub.

When Tiff told me her youngest son Zach was going to be going into the Marines, my heart went out to her. I knew that it would be hard for her, but even harder for him. He will be training to be a warrior, and be subjected to some of the toughest training out there. Tiff wanted to get some portraits done of her family before he left, so we set a date up. It was the first time I’d had a chance to really get to know her family. Her boys are wonderful, and Bill is basically a comedian. If anyone knows him – you know EXACTLY what I mean. (You should see the outtakes! Hahaha!) I also took this opportunity to take some portraits of my beautiful friend while she was all dolled up. Although the wind had other plans for her hair, we just went with it, because after all, you can plan a pretty picnic but you can’t predict the weather!

Here are my favorites from my bestie, Tiff’s Grow session. 💗



We also wanted to use this time for some individuals of Tiff for branding! We had a lot of fun as you can see! haha!



And because no session is complete without me when there is a couple, we also did some shots of Tiff and Bill. I laughed even harder. hahaha!



Im so happy I could take these photos for you. I believe people come into our lives for a reason, and every day I am so grateful for your friendship.

I love you Soul Sister.
