In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

The Liddick Twins

We all have those friends. The ones that you see online. The ones who comment on the same things on Facebook to you do, that you’ve never met in person, but is a friend of a friend. You find yourself thinking ‘Man, that’d be cool if I ever met them in person!’ but totally don’t consider it ever happening. I totally get it!

Well, lucky for me, in doing the Jersey Edition of my Mini Sessions I finally had the chance to meet Katherine in a non-online based sense in the flesh! She wanted to photograph her beautiful kiddos, Sarah and Christopher, to document their first birthday! She pulled out ALL the stops. She wrapped presents, got balloons, bought a cake, brought different outfits, and even different wooden letters spelling O N E! I’ve never met a mama more ready for her session!

The love that Katherine has for her children was so warm to watch, it filled my heart with happiness and admiration for her journey through motherhood. She LOVES her twins dearly and its obvious that she wants to give her little munchkins the world. In her honor, I’ve created the Mom Badge. I feel that we all deserve a ‘good job mama’. It’s so important that we all support one another. Because we all understand one another and can identify with how hard it really is. Although we are all different, it is motherhood that unites us.

So Katherine – this is my badge to you – because YOU’VE EARNED IT! You’ve made it through year one! Congratulations to you, your beautiful Sarah, and your handsome Christopher. For each night time waking, to poopie diaper explosion, to baby spit up, sweet dreams lullaby, each dish washed, each shirt laundered, and each day you skipped a shower – this year is as much for them as it is for you. Congratulations mama! You did it! 🙂

Thank you for trusting me with the great honor of photographing your beautiful children. xoxo Love, Trish
