In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Tesha + AJ’s Look Park Wedding

I first met Tesha at the CJC bridal fair in Springfield last November. I remember it very clearly too. There she was, all by herself, a bag full of fliers, with the most terrified and overwhelmed look on her face. All I could think was ‘I know how you feel.’ To some, this may seem surprising because of the two careers I have, but I feel that in my personal life I am very much an introvert. I don’t like going grocery shopping, or interacting much with others. I really am very happy being a home body. Favorite things include creating random crafty art, re-arranging my furniture, hanging a new installation of my favorite wall decor on the walls, organizing my closets, listening to jazz, or just the silence of the house (when I happen to get it!) Being in this kind of environment I accept as part of my career as a photographer, but if I had to choose I much prefer being an observer at these kinds of things.

I remember Tesha asking me ‘Are all the fairs this busy?’. I totally understand too! It’s a little difficult to form a bond with a potential client when the booth next door to you has a giant disco ball, laser beams, fog machine, and pumping bass going on to your favorite wedding favorites. Luckily for both her and I we hit it off immediately and stated gabbing about all the great wedding details she had planned. I couldn’t be more excited when they asked me to be their photographer too. After all, their well deserved wedding day has been in the making for nearly eight years. Remember their Spark Session in Narragansett, Rhode Island? (One of my most favorite places ever?!) What a blast…

Here are my favorites from their Look Park wedding day!


2015-01-06_0048Congratulations to my new friends! I am so glad I got to be with you both on your amazing day! xoxoxo 🙂




