In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Sweet Baby Jada

When you meet your tribe of people, something inside you just clicks, and you know that they speak your language. It creates the most comforting environment, knowing that they get your jokes, can finish your sentences, and nod with smiles when you tell stories because they TOTALLY get it. I’ve felt that way about this couple since the second we met. They’re a big hockey family, which we are too, so we bonded instantly – obviously!

She did so awesome on her shoot its hard to pick a single favorite. And that HAIR! Be still my heart! Seeing my clients evolve from an engaged couples, to a married couples, and then into parents is such an exciting aspect of my career. Im so grateful that I have been able to work with these wonderful individuals, and know that their positive personalities, and patience are going to make them the most amazing parents.

Check out my favorites from sweet Jada’s newborn shoot!  💗


I can’t even describe how awesome it is to see you guys come full circle! Congratulations on your new little addition! 😁💗
