In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Summer Bucket List

So I kinda didn’t tell anyone (husband included!) but I had made a summer bucket list. I kept it on my phone in the notes app of all the things I wanted to do. I have to say that I am happy with my progress, even if I don’t hit everything on the list. These are in NO particular order. If anything they’re mixed up so the post reads better! Ha!

1. Go to Quabbin for a measurable amount of time, namely longer than 15 minutes, so I can actually enjoy it and not in an attempt to get the kids to keep sleeping. (see below) You need to share with your kids one of your most favorite places on earth.

2. Finish the studio.

3. Weed the gardens (I’m convinced this has no end.)

4. Get Peyton peeing on the big potty before he starts preschool.

5. Go camping. More than one night. And sit by the fire. In a hoodie and jeans. With a beverage and good conversation.

7. Do night photography.

6. Go to the beach and actually dig my toes into the sand – so much so that I get to exfoliate my feet – and exfoliating while chasing children just doesn’t count.

7. Create my intro video for my website.

8. Go to Uncle Bill’s farm and eat veggies from the garden.

9. Organize my closets

10. Throw out all the lotions and potions I never use and are taking up space under my sink.

11. Clean out the fridge. And THROW OUT all those random bags in the freezer that have like 1 carrot in. I don’t care that I can use it for soup someday. I don’t even like soup. And that bag is cramping my style!

12. Clean off the built ins. It would be nice to see the nice cabinets and granite tops that my husband built rather than just envision in my head what they would look like not covered in toys that are in ‘time out’

13. Get the kids crafts organized. (Spray painting old furniture is becoming a favorite pastime of mine!)

14. Get the toys outside organized (Thank you deck boxes!)

15. Work on my Design and Visual Communications lessons and intro video (The kids are gonna LOVE it!!)

16. Visit DJ’s camp at Sacandaga (We will do this in the fall I hope!)

17. Blog more. (Oh yea. DONE!)

18. Slow down and enjoy my kids, my husband, and my home life. (I do my own version of ‘slowed down’ and it works for me.)

19. Complete the ‘Brain’ course for my DVC teaching license. (Kathy Canole is AMAZING! Best class I’ve EVER taken. And I’ve been a student and teacher for quite a while now!)

20. Make and freeze tomato sauce (Hopefully this week!)

21. Sit in the backyard in the morning, drink coffee, watch the sun rise, and let the kids run through the wet grass.

Check out of photos from Quabbin last week!


Its been a great summer. I am ready to go back to work and start on this new adventure I will be embarking on. I always love fall anyway… Looking forward to apple picking, hot cider, and all the great colors and smell that encompass fall in new England. 🙂

