In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Springfield Bridal Expo!

After about three months of prep it finally came (and went). The Springfield Bridal Expo. My first big publicized event. Up until now I have done everything via word of mouth and friends of friends. Going into this I had no idea what to do. I goggled, doodled in my journal, and designed until my heart was content. I chose pieces one by one, conferred with friends (Thank you Beth and Janna!) I remember sitting at my couputer one night until maybe 11:30 after being up since 5am with the kids and thinking ‘Wow. I am really doing this! This is awesome!’

They say that getting there is half the fun. Well, for me, after working a full work week, Eric coming home from a business trip and literally coming straight from the airport to help me load up the cars, and my begging my father to let my brother help us haul in the furniture, I don’t know that I would agree. After to much time planning and agonizing over how things should be set up the time had finally come. We got all the furniture there and organized, and I began to set up. I was ready to settle in to my 10′ x 10′ booth when by the luck of the draw I was given some extra space to stretch out. The vendor who was next to me cancelled at the last minute and I was able to use the entire space! After a tough week alone it was such a welcomed  surprise.

Before the show opened I drank my coffee, taking deep breaths to ease my jitters, I filled my mason jars with water and arranged my daises, and played with how I wanted the area to look. I sat back and looked at my hard work and thought ‘It’s exactly what I had envisioned.’ I wanted my couples to feel like they were in my home and to feel relaxed. I treated them the exact way that I would want someone to treat me; with respect and a down to earth sophistication. (With a side of iced coffee!)

I met SO many nice people. From vendors, to couples and their families, to the show’s coordinator (THANK YOU MARYELLEN!) I had such a great experience and I am already looking forward to next year! Now to meet with all the couples! Let the planning begin!
