In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Snowy & Romantic Styled Shoot

Years ago I had an idea to do a session for my best friend, Krissy. We both share a love for Victorian love stories, Jane Austen novels, and that entire time period. Give us tall hair, giant dresses, everything that sparkles, and you have us sold. For me, what is the most interesting ideas for a woman of that time period was to find a suitable husband to take care of you, and to procreate. If you’re lucky you get romance too. Time moved forward, time slipped away, and before I knew it years had gone by and I still hadn’t been able to do the shoot for my friend.

Kyle and I have many ideas in our heads. Creatively we have many similarities (and differences too!) which help us to support one another as artists When Kyle had to create some work for one of the courses he’s taking, it got me thinking that maybe this would be the perfect time to do the shoot for my friend that I have long wanted to do. From there this styled shoot was born.

We didn’t have a designer gown, or jewelry from a high end store. We didn’t have a make up artist or baker or florist. We just had our model and our imaginations. Which for right now, is plenty.


Here are my favorites from our snowy and romantic styled shoot with the beautiful Krissy.2015-02-17_00042015-02-17_00052015-02-17_00062015-02-17_00072015-02-17_00082015-02-17_00092015-02-17_00102015-02-17_00112015-02-17_00122015-02-17_00132015-02-17_00142015-02-17_00152015-02-17_00162015-02-17_00172015-02-17_0018

This is the first that we plan to do in a series or work with Krissy, so stay tuned for what we have coming next! 🙂
