In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Slow Down

All too often we get consumed with life. Schedules, meetings, clients, appointments, dinner, washing, chores, and before we know it, Monday is here again and it’s time to start over. Sometimes I feel like life is moving too fast and I am clutching at my family with desperation saying ‘slow down! We need some downtime!’.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to just play around with my camera and capture some portraits of my kids being themselves. When I can freeze their little personalities in time I can look back on the images when I am feeling lonely for them while I’m at work, or away, or when they’re in bed and I feel as though I haven’t seen them quite nearly enough. Or when I did it was when they were at their worst, tired from the day, and didn’t have any playfulness left.

Sometimes I feel like I am just constantly running. I don’t always know towards what. Just running. Towards the end of the day. Towards bedtime. Towards a goal. Towards the future. But I will keep moving, just live Avery with a smile along the way.

I loved being able to slow down and for those 60 minutes not feel stressed, or worry about what was on my to do list, or who was calling, or what emails I needed to respond to. It was perfect. 2013-10-13_00052013-10-13_00012013-10-13_00022013-10-13_00082013-10-13_00032013-10-13_00062013-10-13_00072013-10-13_00042013-10-13_00102013-10-13_00112013-10-13_0009


