In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Sick Day | Personal

Yes, kids get sick. Some more often then others. Mine seem to catch whatever little bacteria is floating by the front door. When one kid gets it, the other one is sure to follow. Although their health has always been somewhat of an adventure for us, we’ve survived this long so I guess we should appreciate how far we’ve come, right? Taking care of them when they are sick is something that I hold dear to me. Being a working mother you miss a lot and it feels good to know that they still need you to make them feel better when you can’t always be there for them. When I am home with them on such a day I take the time to throw in a little extra craft time, or fun time. I guess its my way of helping them keep their minds off how they’re feeling for a little bit. I don’t know who it makes feel better, me or them. When they’re grown I hope they still want their mama and not just the xbox or TV when they’re feeling bad. For now, I’ll take every extra rock in their rocking chair and cuddly hug I can get. (And of course a few photos too…)
