In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...


I have a problem. I am on constant full throttle. Between my family, my home, my teaching, my classes I am taking this semester, and my photography its a wonder that I have been able to balance it all. I have a problem that I can’t stop thinking about the next thing. The next camera. The next shoot. The next website design. I am always trying to move forward and trying to improve. I. just. can’t. stop. And I don’t know why.

I have a hunger to do better, move forward, and learn. The creative question is – where does it stop? When will I be completely happy with my logo or web design? When will I be completely happy with my office design? When will I have all the equipment I want? When will I be completely happy with the amount of shoots or weddings I have? When will I ever be satisfied? For me the answer may be – never.

I’ve come to a place where I accept my constant obsessive of striving for my own version of perfection.  I have no idea if I will ever give up re-arranging my furniture every week or so, paint a wall a new color, or do some wild DIY project. I love my life and the people in it more than anything. I thank god I have the most wonderful man by my side who supports me and all my ideas and dreams no matter how over the top they are. I love that I can say ‘I’m having a thought…’ and I know exactly what he’s thinking. (What is it, and how much will it cost me.) Thank you for sharing this crazy dance of life with me. There is no one else I would rather share it with. There is no one else who could keep up either. I love you Eric. xoxo
