In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Sara + Leo | Engaged

Being with Sara + Leo is just like spending time with my own family. Leo reminds me so much of my brother, Chris in many ways. In fact when I first met them it was all I could think about. I am convinced if they met in person they’d be the best of friends. Leo has a fun personality, is completely devoted to Sara’s happiness, and most importantly he adores her more than anything. Sara has a quick wit which I love! She can always keep up with my jokes and I with hers. It’s makes being with her refreshing and fun!


When Sara + Leo asked if I would be willing to travel down to Wickham Park in Manchester, CT of course I was happy to take the trip. After all, I have always loved seeing the places that my couples choose any hearing why they choose them. Often times it holds a deep sentimental meaning to them. And well, since I’m a romantic I can never resist!

Here are my favorites from their session!



Thank you for brining me to this beautiful place! I can’t wait until your wedding!! 🙂
