In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Rebecca & Damian

I’ve known Becca since my years at the Gap in college. That feels like it was a lifetime ago. The journeys she and I have both been on individually and from a career and personal standpoint have been substantial. Through it all we’ve remained friends and stayed in touch.

Since she and Damian got married it’s been a whirlwind. They are both in the military and in the past eight years they’ve lived in different parts of the world. They now call Colorado home, and after being there it’s easy to see why they fell in love with it. I don’t think I’ve physically seen them since I photographed their wedding nearly 8 years ago! I can’t believe how fast time flies! Now they’re having their first baby, and they couldn’t be more excited.


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Thank you both for such an amazing whirlwind weekend! I still can’t believe I made it to Colorado, photographed, and made it back in less than 48 hours! It was a great little adventure. xoxo

