In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Quinn is ONE!

It couldn’t have been a more perfect spring day for Quinn’s birthday. The sun was shining, the breeze was light, and we drove the entire way to Bristol, RI with the sun roof open. My sister has such a great attention to detail when it comes to parties. From the color choices of the decor, to their’ family attire, and of course, the AMAZING food my sister creates, all things are done with love and consideration. From the little favors of custom printed M&M’s, to the photo collage of her first year, on that beautiful day in April, we celebrated Quinnie.

Here are my favorites from the day!

2014-05-02_00012014-05-02_00022014-05-02_00032014-05-02_00042014-05-02_00052014-05-02_00062014-05-02_00072014-05-02_00082014-05-02_00092014-05-02_00102014-05-02_00112014-05-02_00122014-05-02_00132014-05-02_00142014-05-02_00152014-05-02_00162014-05-02_0017Lots of fun in the bounce house!2014-05-02_00182014-05-02_0019My little princess! Your birthday is NEXT!2014-05-02_00202014-05-02_00212014-05-02_00262014-05-02_00272014-05-02_00232014-05-02_0025And of course. This is what happens when someone (my dad in this instance) offers to take a photo for me. Love you Dad! xoxo2014-05-02_0024

Happy birthday sweet little darlin’! xoxoxo
