In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Phoenix James | One Year New | Chicopee, Massachusetts

When Angela got in touch and said she wanted to do a cake smash for Phoenix’s first birthday I was so pumped. He’s the sweetest, and happy boy, with an infections smile, and I get to photograph him again! YAY! After we set the date for his shoot I went online and shopped for the perfect floor drop. Wipeable Vinyl! Yahoo! Next I coordinated colors that I thought would be the perfect compliment for his shoot. The most fun part about this shoot, PJ’s birthday is that his birthday is the 5th of May! What do you do when you’re turning one and have such an awesome birthdate? Well, you have a Cinco De Mayo themed cake smash of course!

Check out these fun shots from his colorful cake smash!


Happy birthday to a sweet little boy! Adios for now! 🙂 xoxo
