In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Patrycja + Damian | Engaged | Mill Pond Park, Newington Connecticut

Meeting Patrycja and Damian was such a blast. They both have a fun spirit, and the minute we met I instantly clicked with them. Maybe it’s because Patrycja is Polish? Maybe because Damian is a mechanic and I’m a Career Tech Instructor? He does remind me a lot of the awesome people I teach with…? Maybe because we laughed a lot? I don’t know how to describe it, but in this business, you kinda just know when you meet your people. For sure, these two are it! 🙂

For their Spark session they decided on Mill Pond Park, in Newington, Connecticut. These two were blessed by the mother nature gods and had some of the most AMAZING weather I have ever seen for early February in New England. In fact is was SO warm out (55 or 60 degrees warm!) Patrycja was able to wear a beautiful dress and not completely freeze! Pair that with the warm afternoon sun and the most ADORABLE heart shaped umbrella ever and you have the recipe for a great shoot!

Here are my favorites from their unseasonably warm Spark Session!


Im SO EXCITED for your wedding! Hopefully you will have sunshine as beautiful as it was this day! 🙂
