In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Halloween | Personal

As sure as the sun shines, kids love Halloween and mine are no different. Yes, they’re super young. Yes, Avery probably has no idea what Halloween even is, but still, it’s kinda like a little kid right of passage. Get all dressed up in an outfit so mom can take photos and you get to eat all the candy you want within reason. We were so excited when our friends who live in upstate New York invited us to come out for their little kid Halloween party. We hadn’t seen them for a long time, and since they and Eric had all grown up together it only seems right that the kids get to know each other a little bit too.

It was SUCH a sight of about 25 little kiddos running around doing ghost hunts, playing pin the stem of the pumpkin, goody bag decorating, and lots of good food. All of this would seem like an October fun fest to most children, but not my two. My son was fascinated with the opportunity to play with a different Thomas the Train than the two he already owns, and my daughter just buzzed around the party in her own little 18 month old world while we took turns chasing her. All things considered, it was still a great time! Kids had fun, were nicely tired out, and we managed to still (barely) have enough energy to head back to my in-laws and watch the new Great Gatsby. (LOVED IT!) Very successful first Halloween party experience!

Here are my favs from the day!


We are looking forward to our next trip to New York where we can leave the running shoes at home, go to dinner with our friends, and sit down to have actual dialogue with them. A GIGANTIC thank you to Jeff and Becky for having us up, and hosting a FULLY successful Halloween kid party! 🙂
