In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Noah | Class of 2016

As I said in my last post – I don’t normally do seniors. But this year is unique – I have three cousins graduating from high school. And I got to photograph them all! I’m one lucky girl! 🙂

Noah, my cousin / neighbor / go to guy / clutch helper has always been there for us when we needed a hand. He’s graduating Chicopee High School as class president with a very bright future ahead of him. I still remember when he was a baby, and when I took my first photo class I would try and use him as a practice subject. That was back in maybe 2000? I don’t even know! Now he’s graduating… I feel SO old!

Here are my favorites from his Forest Park senior session!


Noah – you’ve grown into such a great person. Thank you for all the help you always give us! We are so proud of you! xoxoxo
