In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

My Cousin Adam

I don’t technically do senior portraits. I consider myself more a family and wedding photographer than high school seniors. However, when your family has a graduating senior, well, that’s different. Of course you’re going to take their portrait! I mean come on! My cousin Adam is a senior this year. A SENIOR!

Now, I have a pretty decent sized family. (See my Family Picnic Post!) I love them all for all their differences, quarks, and what makes each one of them them. When I normally set out to photograph someone I like to try and find out their interests and try to connect that to my subject. When my cousin Becky told me that Adam loved music and what some of his favorite artists were, I went online to see what the style of that rocker was. By the time Adam left, I’m pretty sure he was feeling like a rock star. Check out my favs from his session.

Just to have a little of that ‘rocker edge’ for Adam we did just a few outdoor ones too. Special thanks to my cousin Becky who helped man the children so I could do Adam’s photos. I REALLY appreciated it… 🙂

I am so proud you Adam! Enjoy your senior year and see you around the halls!!!!! xoxo
