In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Mom and Dad’s 40th Anniversary!

When we figured out that my parents have been married for 40 years it was obvious that they were deserving of some kind of celebration. The mission: Operation 40th as I call it, was deemed to be a surprise if we could pull it off. My parents are not ones that you can easily pull anything over on. They are hard working, and dedicated people who have worked 7 days a week for as long as I can remember. My mother also helps me with the kids and is over the house a LOT which basically made the planning restricted to weekends, late at night, or to make quick calls on my drive home from work. That was interesting.

The cover was that there would be a surprise birthday party for Eric, since the party was planned on his actual birthday anyway. I wasn’t crazy about the idea because I wanted him to have his own day, but it was the only time that worked for everyone. Come to find out it was also my in-law’s 39th anniversary as well! (Congratulations again Roger and Lee!)

When the planning started we wanted to get in touch with their friends who they haven’t seen in a long time. With the help from my aunts we were able to compile a list of guests that we thought they’d love to see, and be able to have a nice dinner and celebration with. Of course I had my own ideas as far as decorating, and what not. This was also the perfect opportunity for me to test out the idea of setting up a photo booth! Annndd judging from the pictures, everyone seemed to have an awesome time.

2013-12-08_00012013-12-08_0002For each centerpiece, I wanted something small but to also have a little fun flare to it. So we went through old photos of my parents throughout their life and put them inside a mason jar. We added in some moss, red ribbon, sparkled swirls, and a battery powered light. It provided the perfect ambiance as the night moved forward. We also went with the hang the Christmas lights from the chandelier look. The kids loved that! haha!2013-12-08_00032013-12-08_00042013-12-08_0005

They were COMPLETELY surprised. 2013-12-08_00062013-12-08_00072013-12-08_00082013-12-08_00092013-12-08_00102013-12-08_00112013-12-08_00122013-12-08_00132013-12-08_00142013-12-08_0015

We HAD to test out the booth so yours truly was the model. I was cracking up going through all of these. Big thanks to my cousin Noah for running it! 🙂




It was great to see my parents enjoy themselves the entire night. I think there was laughter and smiles the entire evening.

A special thanks to my siblings for helping me get it all together, my aunts for all their help and support, my in laws for always being willing to lend a hand, and my husband for everything he does. I love you.

Congratulations to you both!! We love you! Here’s to 40 more! xoxo

Food: Pinocchio’s

Tables: Michael’s Party Rentals



