In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Kristina & Tom’s Spark Session

Where do I even begin with these two…

Kristina and Tom are the kinds of people with the kind of genuine souls that we all hope to encounter in our lives. They are fun loving, down to earth, and the kinds of friends who would help you put n a heart beat if you were ever in a jam. After 2 minuets into meeting them I knew they were my kind of people. So much so, that at our second meeting I had been running all day and realized I hadn’t carved out any time to get myself ready for our meeting. I was wearing a hoodie, a pair of leggings, and Uggs. If it was anyone else – I might have changed. Instead I smiled to myself and headed out the door – knowing that going to meet Kristina was like going to meet a friend for coffee. That I could totally be myself with them. If anything she’d ask about my crazy day and listen with intent. For me, those are the best kinds of clients to have. The ones that are real and who end up turning into good friends that you keep in touch with long after their wedding.

From the whole hearted belly laughs, to their loving consideration for one another, I saw so many awesome sides to these two. It was an amazing shoot that I won’t soon forget. Here are my favorites from their beautiful Quabbin Reservoir shoot!


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