In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Kristen & Mike are Engaged!

As a photographer you always hope that your clients have a similar outlook on life, as well as tastes and interests. When I met Kristen and Mike at the Springfield Bridal Expo I knew right away that we had clicked. I still remember when they showed me photos of their wedding location, which will be in Vermont on a mountain top resort in November, I nearly fainted. Match that up with two of the HAPPIEST people I’ve ever met, who are down to earth, sweet, kind, and of course, in love with each other and you’ve got a match made in, well, Quabbin.

First off, these two champs got up super early so we could be at Quabbin for a 6:30am start time. Yes, that was AM. Not PM. (That’s when the magic light happens people!) However, the overcast gods blessed us on our session day, and instead gave us some clouds. Honestly, I’m super happy about it. The most awesome thing about their session was that they put their complete trust in me, and I was able to photograph and direct them however I wished. I got to learn about how they met, and what some of their favorite movies are, and then some fun stories about Mike’s night out with the guys. It was just non-strop laughter, so much so that my face hurt when the session was over. I don’t think we could have had more romantic setting, which we basically had all to ourselves, on an early spring morning in May. Great time of year for romance.


2014-05-05_00012014-05-05_00022014-05-05_00042014-05-05_00052014-05-05_00062014-05-05_00072014-05-05_00082014-05-05_00092014-05-05_00102014-05-05_00112014-05-05_00122014-05-05_00132014-05-05_00142014-05-05_00152014-05-05_00162014-05-05_00172014-05-05_00182014-05-05_00192014-05-05_00202014-05-05_00212014-05-05_00222014-05-05_00232014-05-05_00242014-05-05_00252014-05-05_00262014-05-05_00272014-05-05_00282014-05-05_00292014-05-05_00302014-05-05_00312014-05-05_00322014-05-05_00332014-05-05_00342014-05-05_00352014-05-06_00012014-05-05_00402014-05-05_00412014-05-05_00422014-05-05_00372014-05-05_00392014-05-05_00432014-05-05_00442014-05-05_00452014-05-05_00462014-05-05_00472014-05-05_00482014-05-05_00492014-05-05_00502014-05-05_00512014-05-05_0052I saw this tree and HAD to take photos in front of it… LOVE the pattern and how it connects with her dress, but also how Game of Thrones-y it is. 🙂 2014-05-05_00562014-05-05_00532014-05-05_00542014-05-05_0055Kristen and Mike – I had such an awesome morning with you both. You’re beautiful people with the most fun loving and kind hearts. I can’t wait to watch you two make it official and forever in November! Thank you for putting your trust in me to tell your love story just right. xoxoxo 🙂
