In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Kristen and Nelson’s Wedding Session

When I was told that Kristen and Nelson were getting married I couldn’t be happier for them. After all, Kristen is my sister’s best friend and co-worker! She’s wonderful to my niece and nephews and loves them as if they were her own children. Nelson is just one of those guys who you can chat about anything with. Whenever we are visiting we always talk cars and what we can do to make our less kid-zone and more cool-zone. As it all turned out, my RI Mini Sessions were the PERFECT timing for them! They were planning a backyard wedding my last day in Rhode Island!  So, prior to their wedding we went off to Colt State Park, one of my most FAVORITE places to photograph. Its easy to see how in love these two are. Just take a look at the photos. It’ll make you want to squeeze your hunny.

Seriously. Gorgeous. Life really is better at the beach, and lucky me, I got to photograph them! 🙂 Congratulations to you both! I wish you all the happiness in this world! Thank you again for asking me to photograph your special day and we hope to see you the next time we come down! xoxo
