In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Kindred Sessions

For a long time I feel as though my artwork has centered around empowering women. I feel as though we offer one another pillars to lean against when things become challenging. To one another we can lend an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or laugh we need to have on a difficult day. As I’ve moved into my thirties and into motherhood, I have found that being a mom is a role that connects us all. Like photography, motherhood is also a universal language. We can all relate to it, bring our own experiences to the table, and hopefully walk away enlightened and refreshed. We can all identify with the idea of having others dependent on us in a family context as well as the responsibility it entails. That’s not to say we don’t all parent differently. We certainly do. What I am getting at, is that I believe its important for us to support one another, because we are all trying just the best we can.

When I texted Kelly and asked her if she’d be willing to let me photograph her and Kalista for a new direction in my photography, I couldn’t be more elated. I didn’t tell her specifically what I wanted to do, but I vaguely told her that it was about the connection of mothers and their children. This new direction that I am moving towards are sessions that I will be offering to my clients called Kindred Sessions. These session will be focused on the interactions between families and photographed in a completely observatory role. There is no posting. There is no coaching. There is only documentation of the love and beauty that already exists in your family.

I am more excited about this direction than words can say. A special thank you to Kelly and Kalista for sharing their morning with me, and allowing me into their home.

