In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Jackson | Newborn | West Springfield, Massachusetts

When Abbie contacted me and asked if I would photograph her family once Jack made his grand entrance, I was so excited. They’d had their son Ben just two years before, and with the addition of Jack it seemed like a perfect time to do an in-home family session. Being that it was the holidays as well, it became a hybrid session of classic portraits, as well as some candid photos of family life. It was great being with them for the morning. It brought back a lot of memories from when Avery joined our family just a short time ago. Combine Ben’s love for Charlie Brown and adventurous spirit with Jack’s sweet loving temperament, and it’s safe to say that this family really does have it all. Here are my favorites from this snowy morning session!2013-12-28_00012013-12-28_00022013-12-28_00032013-12-28_00042013-12-28_00052013-12-28_00062013-12-28_00072013-12-28_00172013-12-28_00092013-12-28_00102013-12-28_00112013-12-28_00122013-12-28_00132013-12-28_00142013-12-28_0016Congratulations on your new addition and entrusting me to document this wonderful time in your lives. 🙂
