In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Day 7 – Family, Fun, and Flu.

Another gloriously warm Florida day and here we are in Paradise. We had some time for a family photo shoot at the beach. I know its corny, but its so important to me to have my favorite people, in my favorite place. My Auntie Tina helped us out and it was a great chance for some photo ops for her too.

Afterwards I got to go for ice cream with my Auntie Pammie and cousin Liv and Noah. A lot of fun! AND my Auntie Lynnie  gave me a pedicure. Why would we ever want to go home?!

Later in the evening my family that lives in Florida year round came up for a lovely dinner. It is Noni’s birthday so it was a great chance for us all to get together.

We had a Grandmother who passed away a long time ago, Great Grandma Blanch who apparently wore birds in her hair. On my parent’s first ‘date’ my dad took my mom to the hospital (mental health hospital) to meet my grandma Blanch. I can’t believe she still married him. Anyway, my Aunt Pammie found these clip on birds and gave one to each of the women in the family for Christmas. So to pay homage to grandma everyone decided to wear their birds in their hair. (This isn’t something we normally do, I swear!) My bird stands proudly next my desk to keep me ‘sane’. I smile whenever I look at it. Thanks Auntie. 🙂
 Happy Birthday Noni

Around 9pm it happened. First Avery. All over the pack and play. Then me. All night. The rest were soon to follow. One by one it picked us off. It had its grip. It wasn’t letting go.
