In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

CJC Bridal Fair

When I first started out on this adventure I didn’t think I could do this. I mean, I knew I loved photography, and photographing weddings, but on my own? After years of working for other people then being back and forth and hemming and hawing, last January I made the decision and I just did it. It was intimidating because I knew no one other than my friend Janna who encouraged me to take the plunge. (Thank you Janna!) Here I was, a photographer who no one had heard of since all my work had been through word of mouth and referrals, and now I thought I could be running with the big dogs. I set up my booth and stood proud with my furniture and a vision.

When I set out to design my booth this time around I wanted something that put fourth my eclectic style, DIY nature, and timeless elements that serve as my inspiration as a photographer. I’ve always loved antiques, and the color of the ocean, but I wanted this booth to have some newer elements as well, almost like a modern classic.

Was it easy to set up?

No. Not at all. You try moving solid antique oak doors then hinging them together so they stand up. My back still hurts.

Was it a lot of work and did it involve power tools?

Yes. My husband is ahhhmaazing.

Was it worth it?

Absolutely. I felt so proud being out in front of my booth.

When it was all set up I stood back, took a photo, felt my heart smile, and I knew I was going to be able to show potential clients a little part of how I shoot, design, as well as my taste and personality.

The crowning jewel was when Lisa from CJC events walked by and said ‘This is exactly you.’ I was so happy that she could look at it, and feel my personality in the presentation.

Mission accomplished. 🙂

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Thanks for a the great day CJC!

