In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Chris + Sarah’s Summit View Wedding

If there is one (of many) thing that I tell my couples, its that you can plan everything as detailed as humanly possible, but in the end you just never know what will happen on your wedding day – primarily the weather. If there was a couple this year that was easy going and fun, who didn’t care if it rained or shined – these two would be that couple. With them, everything is all good and there are no worries. They have fun together, laugh a lot, and have the greatest affection for their family and friends. This was obvious on their wedding day, and the way they interacted with each and every guest. Not to mention their awesome dance moves!

Although the rain came down with a vengeance, these two took it all in stride… Even when I took them across the street with a giant umbrella and asked them to stand in the middle of train tracks while it was pouring. (No biggie!) Definitely my kind of couple!

Here are my favorites from their happy day!

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