In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Casey + Lora | Engaged | Plainfield, Massachusetts

When Casey and Lora said that they wanted to do their spark session on their honeymoon, I have to admit that was a first for me! Is to leave very busy lives and to try to put down a date would’ve the next impossible. They wanted to do the session in a more relaxed setting after their wedding and with their awesome pop Scout! Since I’m always up for an adventure, On an adventure I went!

The girls had rented a house in Plainfield Mass on a pond. I was shocked about how much colder it is in that area then it is in the valley. I had never made the trek out that way, but I was so pleasantly surprised and I arrived. There is minimal cell phone service, and you just completely surrounded by nature. It’s the perfect spot for a choir getaway after a busy event like a wedding!I can absolutely see why they chose it!

Knowing they’re fun and adventurous spirit I knew that I can ask them to hop in the canoe and paddle around for me. We did of getting some really fun shots with genuine smiles That made me laugh the whole time I was shooting and editing them. They weren’t alone in this venture though! I got in the canoe next and paddled out so that I can get a few at shots of them on the deck, so they could always remember the place that they stayed after they were married. We took Scout on a nice walk, And ended their session warming up by the fireplace. The perfect end to a perfect afternoon!

Here my favorites from their post-wedding spark session!

Thank you so much for having me out! I’m so incredibly happy for you both!!!
