In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Cassidy Rose | Newborn | Chicopee, Massachusetts

I have been fortunate in my career that as my business has grown, so have the beautiful families I have been able to connect with along the way. Erik and Melissa are one of those families, and have just recently added beautiful Cassidy Rose into their family! As parents these two are loving, supportive of one another, and make a great team, because lets me honest, at this stage its ALL about teamwork!! Cassidy Rose is strong, an excellent sleeper, and absolutely adores being snuggled! She was a complete doll to work with, and her parents weren’t too bad themselves either. 😉

Melissa is a natural mother, who holds her daughter the same way people have once they’ve had a second or third child. Motherhood just seems to envelop her, and there is a level of complete joy that comes across her face when he daughter is close to her. Its a connection any mother can understand, and a universal language and feeling of parenthood. As for Erik, he’s a complete natural as well! He is all smiles, and all is right in the world when his girls are in his arms, and he holds Cassidy with a closeness that tells her she will protect her from harm all the days of his life. The love that this family has can be felt by all around them, and it was truly my privilege to be able to work with them again.

Here are my favorites from this little one’s grow session!

Im so incredibly happy for you both! You’re amazing parents, and Cassidy Rose is an angel! Congratulations to you all!!
