In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Casey | Newborn | Chicopee, Massachusetts

I have known Karen + Dan for quite some time. We all grew up in Belchertown together but had lost touch after high school. Dan and I were in middle school together before we went to different high schools. Karen was one year older than me at BHS, and although we had run into each other from time to time at Holyoke Community College, we were always on our own creative missions. You can imagine how surprised I was when one day Karen came to one of the Art Shows we had for our students! Turns out she’s an art teacher in the city, and eventually ended up teaching just two doors down from me at CHS. I was even more excited to learn that she and Dan had just married. Although I didn’t get to photograph their wedding, not a conversation goes by without Karen telling me how much she wishes we had connected sooner so I could photograph them on their special day. (Awee!) 🙂

Fast forward to baby life, Karen + Dan welcomed their first child, Casey Daniel. She had chatted with me about photography a few times prior to him making his grand (and dramatic!) early entrance. I was so excited to learn that he’d arrived and that I was going to be able to photograph this quaint family in their home, surrounded by love.

Here are my favorites from their precious grow session!


Karen + Dan, I am so happy we were able to reconnect! Casey is PRECIOUS and I feel so honored to have been able to capture these tender moments for you! xoxoxo

