In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Avery’s First Birthday

One year old. ONE WHOLE YEAR of my life gone in a flash. What an amazing one its been. Lots of changes this year and all welcomed ones. I am blessed to have a daughter who is a wonderful sleeper, has an infectious laugh, loves her brother, and to accessorize, and is the happiest little social butterfly around. I always said that my goal was to make it to her first birthday and I will feel as though I’ve earned a special mom badge. Having my children 18 months apart has been interesting, at times infuriating, but most of all rewarding in so many amazing ways. But I’ve done it. I can’t believe it. At times I didn’t think I’d make it, but I did. Special thanks to every one of you who have helped me to get the party together AND who have helped me throughout this year. You’ve supported me through my day to day and kept me sane and laughing even when I didn’t think I could speak. Whether you’ve finished my sentences, cooked us dinner, taken a child who just got out of the bath into their room and got them ready for bed so I didn’t have to chase them around the house, been a friendly voice on the end of the line or a humorous text telling me it’ll all be okay, THANK YOU. This day was for all of us; Avery, her friends and family, and the village who is helping raise her. Happy birthday sweet princess. These portraits convey your beauty and personality better than I could ever articulate. We love you more than words can say. Love you always baby girl. xoxo

