After much back and fourth over ‘what to do’ and throw in some ‘will it rain, or won’t it’ we took a chance and headed to Ashfield. (Not Ashland, which is what I think it should be called) We took the 60 min journey up and around the mountain, then over the river and through the woods. At last, we had made it. A beautiful little organic orchard that quenched my thirst for visiting a desolate farm with hot cider and working toilets. The uphill walk (considered a hike by most normal people) to get to the orchard itself made me not feel guilty about the unbelievably delicious warm cider doughnut I ate once I got back down. It wouldn’t have been so bad ‘walking’ if I wasn’t carrying a 28lb toddler who kept saying ‘Up please!’ He’s no fool! He’s not walking up that giant hill! Especially since he knows an adult will carry him. (Smart, I tell you, smart!) Once we got there we were greeted by familiar faces and warm hugs. There was much apple snacking, very little picking, and some nice (although short) visiting. Here’s a question for pondering: If an apple drops on the ground in an orchard after you’ve (your child) has already been eating it, does the five second rule apply? Well, this mother let her toddler eat the apple after it fell. He was hungry and upset that it fell so I let him eat it. He was happy once again. One of the more comical moments was when we were walking (falling forward) back down the hill towards the car. We stopped to see the chickens, at which time Peyton decided to ask if they wanted a snack. He’s so thoughtful! Where was Avery for this experience you ask? Yes I know, she isn’t in any of the photos. That’s because she fell asleep when we left the house, and slept until we got home. Approximately 4 hours. We weren’t going to wake her. So Eric waited with her in the car. (What a great man I married…) We can get family apple photos next year. I should mention that the best part about this whole experience was the fact that I FORGOT TO PICK APPLES! That’s right. I didn’t take any home. Can you believe it?! I was too excited about taking photos! Until next time!

TT, Liv, and Peyton |
Noni! |
Hungry? Have a bite chickens |