In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

4 more days

Last night, I was watching Cool Runnings with Eric, feeling kinda bummed that vacation was over and I would be heading back to work the next day, and that’s when I got the text: ‘No School in Chicopee through Friday’. THANK YOU mother nature! Four more days of vacation. Four more days of precious freedom. Four more days to enjoy with my children. Four more days.

When I was a kid, I would PRAY for a snow day. There is nothing more I wanted than to stay in bed later than usual and when I did get up laze around the house. Often times on a snow day we would go for long walks in the falling snow through the meadow and surrounding woods, play outside all day, and then come in and defrost to hot chocolate and Disney movies. Life was simple. Life was good.

Now that I have children, my feelings on snow days are no different. However, with my children being this small I underestimated just how much preparation had to happen to get them out the door. From gathering all the snow day necessities including but not limited to gloves, hats, boots, proper socks, clothing, sleds, and of course, don’t forget your own attire. I think it took me close to an hour to get everyone ready go into the back yard, a mere 10 feet from the kitchen. Totally worth it of course, but it was interesting chasing them around and having them take turns crying because they were hot, or frustrated, or just wanted out! Word to the wise – don’t forget to ask your 3 year old if they have to pee BEFORE you put on the entire outfit. 2014-01-02_00012014-01-02_00022014-01-02_00032014-01-02_00042014-01-02_00052014-01-02_00062014-01-02_00072014-01-02_00082014-01-02_0009Not long after this image was taken, the all out meltdown began. Avery screamed for probably the next 20 minutes. I’m convinced it’s due to the glove that had fallen off (See above) because when I tired to put her frozen little hand back into it, she went berserk. After I got everyone back in, de-clothed, and warmed up, life was all good again. They were too tired to do much (see below), but you won’t hear me complain. 2014-01-02_00102014-01-02_00112014-01-02_0012Here’s to a hopefully long naptime, and a relaxing next four days off!

